Thursday, 18 June 2015

Review#3 Kirby's dreamland

Hello! I'm really enjoying my game boy so I thought I should do review on my favourite game for my game boy, Kirby's dreamland!
I love this game so much and there are so many things I love about this game. Like how cute every thing is. I love that because some games try to hard to make it look realistic when you can make a simpler, prettier game. Another thing is the gameplay is sooooo addicting!! It's so  fun to play and you get sucked in, it's just so much fun! And the last thing is even tho the game boy green and grey the game packs in a lot of detail which is amazing. Well that's it for this review hope you enjoyed! 

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

YAY!! Game Boy!

Hello again! A couple of weeks ago I finally got a game boy!!!
So we were looking at some yard sales and my dad saw a game boy for only $10 plus a game (spider man) And when I saw it I was so happy. I was so happy because I have seen at my game traders and they were $20 so my game boy had a great deal!! The only thing was it was in bad shape. It had tons of lines on the screen, it was quite filthy and the controls were stiff. So me and my dad had to fix it up! First we had to get a tri wing screwdriver then we had to open it up and fix the problems like the screen. The way we fixed the screen was we dragged a sautering iron on the black belt below the screen and it worked! Then we took the plastic casing and soaked them in soapy water. After that the game boy looked brand new! The only games I have are
1. Kirby's dreamland 
And 2. Spider man

Hope you enjoyed and I will try to post more regularly but at some times I might be on trips but I will try.